Sunday, February 27, 2011

Have You Gone Mental (96)

My daughter Beth, her family and dog visited this weekend. It was good to see them after the 1 and 1/2 or two months since the last time. I enjoyed the grandkids complete with my newest (4 months old) grandaughter Loreli (sp).

Anxiety has been almost a constant companion. We have been working on several things that bear upon the future for our family and it mainly results in increased dependence on God. Nevertheless I tend to take the preparations on my shoulders and I think that's where my anxiety comes from. I am exhausted each night by 9:00 or
9:30. I go to bed listening to a favorite CD and calm myself enough to sleep. I am trying to use my bag of tricks and not take my anti-anxiety medication. I only took one over the weekend.

I am grateful that the anxiety is of lesser intensity than the early months. It is good to have made this progress. Depression has also been present from time to time. I continue to take time to breathe and follow each breath to relax. I also use the other interventions with which I have become familiar.

I am in hopes that my troublesome emotions will diminish more and more as the weeks roll on. As good as I've felt over the past several weeks, I need to keep in mind that I am not out of the woods yet. It is humbling... in the extreme. Here's hoping I continue to heal by the grace of God and by the use of effective self-interventions. I certainly need them. I find writing this blog is very helpful also. So until the next time ...

Typos and all ... God Bless You.

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